Friday, April 18, 2008

$23 million for breast cancer research


A state-run breast malignant neoplastic disease organisation is offering $23 million in grants to men of science studying the environmental causes of breast malignant neoplastic disease and why some groupings of women look to be at greater hazard based on their ethnicity or where they live.

The Golden State Breast Cancer Research Program announced the support programme Tuesday at the yearly American Association of Cancer Research convention in San Diego.

Experts with the state programme identified respective countries of research that have got been overlooked by national fundraising efforts, said Marion Kavanaugh-Lynch, manager of the program. For example, research workers have got got not yet determined why Marin County and the Bay Area have higher rates of breast malignant neoplastic disease than the remainder of the state and country. Scientists also don't yet understand why achromatic women have got higher breast malignant neoplastic disease rates than achromatic women.

Funding will travel toward 10 research topics, including women's exposure to chemicals throughout their lives and what function a woman's ethnicity plays in her diagnosing and long-term survival. Grant money also will travel toward two big surveys involving more than than 330,000 women.

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